Wednesday 29 February 2012

Tag Line Contest - Win $100!

Want to win a $100 gift certificate to a restaurant of your choice – or $100 cash? Of course you do!

Accurate Realtime Inc is hosting a contest.  We need your help in coming up with a new tag line.  As ARI is all about hearing accessibility, we need a tag line that best represents our service. (Currently our tag line is “When hearing is a challenge, every word counts!”)

How to win?

Please submit your tag line (or lines) to ARI's twitter account: @Accrt_Realtime and/or submit it to our Facebook page.

Should your tag line be selected, you will not only enjoy a meal on us (or the cash), but the pleasure of being acknowledged for your creative output when we announce you as the winner.

Contest ends: April 4th, 12:00 PM


  1. Captioning counts when every word counts for difficulty with hearing

  2. I like the current tag as well (when hearing is a challenge, every word counts)

  3. Count yourself in, see what you don't hear.

  4. "Every character matters, more than words can say."

  5. Let have beautiful sunshine together again!

  6. I want you...

  7. A.S.L. is so Secret and a Beauitful way to communication...

  8. another lovely language is to share in another places, let's yourself to share to others.

  9. we all need to be connection of feeling with respect and safe... we all +++++
